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French cinema: 1990

Le Château de ma mère (1990)
Yves Robert

After his previous summer, 11-year-old Marcel is so in love with the countryside of Provence that he can scarcely bear to be separated from it...   [More...]

Conte de printemps (1990)
Eric Rohmer

Jeanne is a high school teacher of philosophy who finds herself temporarily homeless when her fiancé Mathieu goes away for a few days...   [More...]

Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)
Jean-Paul Rappeneau

The popular swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is consumed by his ardent love for his cousin Roxanne but, tragically, his features are so deformed by his large nose that he has little chance of gaining her affections...   [More...]

Daddy Nostalgie (1990)
Bertrand Tavernier

Caroline is a writer who, after her divorce, lives alone in Paris with her infant son. On hearing the news that her father has just undergone a serious operation, she immediately sets out to rejoin her parents at their home in the south of France...   [More...]

La Discrète (1990)
Christian Vincent

Antoine, an unsuccessful writer, is taken aback when his girlfriend, Solange, leaves him for another man. Usually, it is he who ends a relationship, not his partner...   [More...]

La Fracture du myocarde (1990)
Jacques Fansten

Traumatised by the idea that he might be put into an orphanage, 12 year old Martin tries to hide the sudden death of his mother...   [More...]

La Gloire de mon père (1990)
Yves Robert

In the late 1890s, Joseph Pagnol, a schoolteacher and staunch atheist, lives with his wife Augustine in a district of Marseille...   [More...]

Le Mari de la coiffeuse (1990)
Patrice Leconte

In middle-age, Antoine looks back on his life and recalls happy times when he was a little boy holidaying in Luc-sur-Mer with his brother...   [More...]

Milou en mai (1990)
Louis Malle

May 1968. Émile Vieuzac, known to all as Milou, is a contented 60 year-old who lives with his mother in a grand country house in the southwest of France...   [More...]

Tatie Danielle (1990)
Étienne Chatiliez

At first glance, Danielle Billard appears such a respectable nice old lady, but those who know her well live in fear, for she is the most mischievous of souls...   [More...]

Uranus (1990)
Claude Berri

Little by little, normality returns to a small French town after World War II. The town is as scarred by the petty recriminations between its inhabitants as by the very evident signs of bombings...   [More...]

La Vengeance d'une femme (1990)
Jacques Doillon

A young woman, Suzy, returns to Paris to attend the funeral of her lover, André. By chance, she meets up with André's wife, Cecile, and the two open their hearts to share each other's grief...   [More...]

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