Film Index

French cinema: Comedy/Drama

Souvenirs perdus (1950)

Four forgotten objects in a lost property office each has a story to tell. An Egyptian statue was a present that Philippe once gave to his lover Florence...   [More...]

Les Souvenirs (2015)
Jean-Paul Rouve

Romain, 23, has hopes of pursuing a career as a writer, but for the time being he works as a night porter in a Parisian hotel...   [More...]

Sur le plancher des vaches (1940)
Pierre-Jean Ducis

Jean Durand is a modest office clerk who is tired of being treated as an object of ridicule by his boss and colleagues. He cannot believe his good fortune when he wins a lottery prize, but is less heartened when he discovers that his prize in an aeroplane...   [More...]

Sweet Valentine (2010)
Emma Luchini

Sonia is a young girl from the provinces who has barely been in Paris five minutes before Cupid strikes his fatal blow. As soon as she claps eyes on Ivan she knows at once that this divine creature is the man she has been waiting for all her life...   [More...]

Swing (2002)
Tony Gatlif

During the summer holidays, Max, a 10-year old boy, stays with his grandmother in the Alsace region of France. Frequently, he slips away to visit a community of Manouche gypsies, having befriended a young gypsy girl named Swing...   [More...]

La Table aux crevés (1952)
Henri Verneuil

Returning to his farm, Urbain Coindet is surprised to find his wife Aurélie hanging by her neck from the ceiling in her kitchen...   [More...]

Tandem (1987)
Patrice Leconte

For the past 25 years, Michel Mortez has hosted the popular radio game show The Cat's Tongue. Over that time, the show has become the most important thing in Mortez's life and now, in the twilight of his career, he has neither friends nor family...   [More...]

Tango (1993)
Patrice Leconte

When he finds out that his wife is having an affair, a stunt pilot, Vincent, kills both his wife and her lover, but - to his surprise - he is acquitted of the murder...   [More...]

La Taverne du poisson couronné (1947)
René Chanas

Captain Palmer returns to port with his cargo after an eventful sea journey in which his seamanship was tested to the limit by a violent storm...   [More...]

Le Téléphone rose (1975)
Edouard Molinaro

Benoît Castejac is the owner of a small factory in Toulouse that has run into financial difficulties. He knows that the only way to save the firm that he inherited from his father is to merge with a larger American corporation, Fielding...   [More...]

Le Témoin (1978)
Jean-Pierre Mocky

Robert Maurisson is a successful businessman who married into a rich bourgeois family and is now one of the most important people in Reims...   [More...]

Le Temps de l'aventure (2013)
Jérôme Bonnell

Alix, an actress in her early forties, is performing in a play in Calais. When her paycheque fails to turn up she becomes anxious and takes the next train to Paris, hoping to hook up with her strangely elusive boyfriend...   [More...]

Le Temps de la kermesse est terminé (2010)
Frédéric Chignac

Alex had only intended to spend a few minutes in Kupala, just enough time to fill up his petrol tank. But when his car breaks down he ends up having to stay there for longer than he had planned...   [More...]

La Tendresse (2013)
Marion Hänsel

Having been separated for fifteen years, Frans and Lisa make the journey to another country together so that they can collect their son, who has been hospitalised after a serious skiing accident...   [More...]

La Tête de maman (2007)
Carine Tardieu

Lulu is 15 and like many girls of her age she is finding the transition from childhood to adulthood painful. She receives little support from her mother, Juliette, who seems to have become almost completely detached from the world...   [More...]

La Tête en friche (2010)
Jean Becker

Germain may be considered a figure of fun by those who know him, a little boy in a middle-aged man's body, but he leads a contented life and has nothing to complain about, except, possibly, the mother who seems to want to disown him...   [More...]

Thomas est amoureux (2000)
Pierre-Paul Renders

Thomas, 32, is the victim of chronic agoraphobia and hasn't left his apartment in eight years. His only contact with the outside world is via his visiophone, which keeps him in touch with his mother, his therapist and his insurance agent...   [More...]

Tih Minh (1918)
Louis Feuillade

After an expedition to Indochina, the French explorer Jacques d'Athys returns to his home in Nice, accompanied by Tih Minh, an attractive young woman he met on his travels and whom he intends to marry...   [More...]

Tirez la langue, mademoiselle (2013)
Axelle Ropert

Boris and Dimitri Pizarnik are two doctors who share the same practice in the Chinese district of Paris. Brothers, they are inseparable, as devoted to each other as they are to the profession which occupies most of their waking hours...   [More...]

Toâ (1949)
Sacha Guitry

After a violent domestic row, Ecaterina leaves her lover, the playwright and actor Michel Desnoyer. Shortly afterwards, Michel is visited by his sister Françoise and her husband Fernand, who have returned after a long stay in the United States...   [More...]

Tombés du ciel (1993)
Philippe Lioret

Arturo Conti's plans for celebrating the New Year in France with his Spanish wife go seriously awry when he arrives at Roissy airport in Paris without any form of identification...   [More...]

Tomboy (2011)
Céline Sciamma

Laure is ten years old and delights in being something of a tomboy. Pretty dolls and fancy dresses have no interest for her...   [More...]

Le Tonnerre de Dieu (1965)
Denys de La Patellière

Léandre Brassac is an ageing veterinary who lives in a large house near to Nantes with his wife Marie, whom he openly despises and frequently abuses...   [More...]

Topaze (1933)
Louis J. Gasnier

Albert Topaze is an idealistic schoolteacher who believes that it is better to be honest than rich. His high ideals bring him into conflict with his headmaster, who dismisses him on the spot when he learns that he has shown an interest in his daughter...   [More...]

Topaze (1936)
Marcel Pagnol

A modest teacher in a boys' school, Topaze does his utmost to instil in his pupils his creed that money can never buy happiness...   [More...]

Topaze (1951)
Marcel Pagnol

A schoolmaster at a private school, Albert Topaze is a man of exceptional character who tries to inculcate his virtuous beliefs in his pupils...   [More...]

La Tortue sur le dos (1978)
Luc Béraud

Despite his best efforts, Paul, a once successful writer, cannot overcome the crippling mental block that is preventing him from writing his next book...   [More...]

Toto le héros (1991)
Jaco Van Dormael

In a retirement home, old Thomas looks back on his life, a life marred by hatred for one man: Alfred. As a boy, Thomas was convinced that he and Alfred, his next-door neighbour, were switched at birth...   [More...]

Tourments (1954)
Jacques Daniel-Norman

Known to the world as Tony Caylor, Jacques Duffot surprised everyone when he chose to give up his high-profile singing career so that he could devote himself to his wife, Anne-Marie...   [More...]

Tous les soleils (2011)
Philippe Claudel

After leaving his native Italy, 40-something Alessandro has settled in the French city of Strasbourg, where he teaches Baroque music...   [More...]

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