Film Index

French cinema: Comedy

Un chien dans un jeu de quilles (1983)
Bernard Guillou

Joseph Cohen is a small-scale farmer in Brittany who just manages to eke out a living. When his landlord, Alexandre, decides to terminate his lease, Joseph has no other choice but to turn to his stepbrother, Pierre, whom he has not seen for years...   [More...]

Un chien qui rapporte (1932)
Jean Choux

Whilst Josyane Plaisir is content with her lot as a cabaret artiste, two things are missing in her life: love and wealth...   [More...]

Un crime au paradis (2001)
Jean Becker

After twenty years of marriage Hell, goatherd Jojo Braconnier has finally turned his thoughts to ridding himself of his odious wife Lulu...   [More...]

L'Un dans l'autre (2017)
Bruno Chiche

Pierre and Aimée have been the best of friends with Eric and Pénélope for years. Both couples are perfectly settled and they make the most amiable of foursomes - until the dreadful day when Pierre and Pénélope realises they have fallen in love with each other...   [More...]

Un de la Canebière (1937)
René Pujol

Toinet, Girelle and Pénible are three friends who lead an amiable existence as humble fishermen in the sunny port of Marseille...   [More...]

Un divan à New York (1996)
Chantal Akerman

Henry Harriston, a successful psychoanalyst living in New York City decides he needs a break from the constant daily grind of attending to other people's bruised psyches...   [More...]

Un drôle de caïd (1964)
Jacques Poitrenaud

Marcel and Francis are two small-time thieves. Their attempt to break into an apartment one night is witnessed by Lucille, a neighbouring resident, who decides to try a little blackmail...   [More...]

Un drôle de dimanche (1958)
Marc Allégret

Five years after his wife Catherine left him, Jean Brévent, a copyrighter on a Paris newspaper, still cannot fathom what went wrong with his marriage...   [More...]

Un drôle de paroissien (1963)
Jean-Pierre Mocky

It is a proud boast that the Lachesnayes have never had to work for their living, and even though times are hard now, it is a tradition that the present generation have no intention of giving up...   [More...]

Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (1976)
Yves Robert

Étienne, Simon, Daniel and Bouly are four friends in their forties who enjoy a shared passion for tennis. Another thing they have in common is that they are all nearing a point of crisis in their private lives; luckily they can count on the others' support to help them through...   [More...]

Un homme de têtes (1898)
Georges Méliès

A well-dressed magician standing between two wooden tables casually pulls his head from his shoulders and places it on one of the tables, where it proceeds to chatter and move about of its own accord...   [More...]

Un idiot à Paris (1967)
Serge Korber

Goubi, the popular idiot of a small rural town in central France, has only two dreams: to marry the mayor's daughter Berthe and to visit Paris...   [More...]

Un indien dans la ville (1994)
Hervé Palud

Stéphane Marchado, an international trader who is addicted to living life in the fast lane, finds himself in a quandary when his girlfriend Charlotte insists that they get married...   [More...]

Un jour mon père viendra (2012)
Martin Valente

Chloé finally has everything she could want to be happy. She is soon to marry the man of her dreams, a former tennis champion who is now a successful businessman...   [More...]

Un jour mon prince (2017)
Flavia Coste

The Queen of the fairies, Titania, is in a quandary. Sleeping Beauty has been away in the Land of Nod for over a hundred years and still no handsome prince has come to revive her with a kiss...   [More...]

Un mauvais garçon (1936)
Jean Boyer

When she passes her law exams, Jacqueline Serval anticipates a brilliant career for herself as a barrister. Unfortunately, her father has made up his mind that she will get married and start a family...   [More...]

Un monsieur de compagnie (1964)
Philippe de Broca

Brought up in the lap of luxury by his wealthy grandfather, Antoine found from an early age that he could have anything he wanted, without exerting the slightest effort...   [More...]

Un oiseau rare (1935)
Richard Pottier

Melleville, the reclusive boss of a multinational company, is surprised when his valet, Valentin, wins first prize in a competition to come up with the best slogan to market a range of lamps...   [More...]

Un ticket pour l'espace (2006)
Eric Lartigau

Lack of support from a tax weary French public threatens to jeopardise France's programme of space research. The head of the research team, Simon Werburger, comes up with an idea to raise the necessary funding - a new scratch card which will offer two ordinary French citizens the chance to spend a fortnight aboard the space station...   [More...]

Une affaire qui roule (2003)
Eric Veniard

Frustrated by his job as a chef in a mundane restaurant, Jean-Jacques hands in his apron and sets about trying to find the money he needs to open his own high-class eatery...   [More...]

Une belle fille comme moi (1972)
François Truffaut

Stanislas Previne is a young sociologist who is writing a thesis on criminal women (which, we are told, is never published)...   [More...]

Une famille à louer (2015)
Jean-Pierre Améris

Paul-André is a shy and introverted forty-year-old. He has money but he is bored beyond belief and ends up concluding that what he needs most in the world is a family...   [More...]

Une femme est une femme (1961)
Jean-Luc Godard

Angela is an attractive nightclub striptease artist who shares a small Parisian apartment with her boyfriend Emile. One day, on the spur of the moment, she decides that she must have a baby...   [More...]

Une fille sur la route (1952)
Jean Stelli

To escape the hoards of female admirers that are constantly haranguing him, singer Carlos Cortez heads for the Côte d'Azur, hoping to spend a quiet holiday under his real name, Jacques Gary...   [More...]

Une folle envie (2011)
Bernard Jeanjean

Yann and Rose are young, very much in love and want to have a child. Nine months later, their baby has yet to put in an appearance...   [More...]

Une nuit de folies (1934)
Maurice Cammage

Bored with her stuffy bourgeois married life, Jacqueline d'Ermont decides to enjoy a night of revelry in Paris with Anatole, a man who is besotted with her...   [More...]

Une parisienne (1957)
Michel Boisrond

Brigitte Laurier, the remarkably good-looking daughter of the present Prime Minister of France, is used to getting her own way...   [More...]

Une ravissante idiote (1964)
Edouard Molinaro

When Harry Compton loses his job with a bank in London, he decides to follow the career of his father and become a Russian spy...   [More...]

Une vie de chien (1943)
Maurice Cammage

Gustave Bourdillon is the music teacher at a special school for young ladies run by Monsieur Calumet. For some time, Gustave has had a crush on his employer's delightful wife Emilie, but, keen to hold onto his job, he keeps his amorous feelings to himself...   [More...]

Uniformes et grandes manoeuvres (1950)
René Le Hénaff

Luc, a doorman at the Miramar nightclub, knows too well the perils of returning a mislaid object to its owner. He recalls the fateful day when playboy André Duroc left his cigarette case behind...   [More...]

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