Film Index

French cinema: 2012

Les Vacances de Ducobu (2012)
Philippe de Chauveron

The summer holidays could not have some sooner for Ducobu, a boy for whom school is the most excruciating form of torture imaginable...   [More...]

La Vérité si je mens! 3 (2012)
Thomas Gilou

It has been almost a decade since we last encountered Eddie, Dov, Yvan and their friends trying and failing to make a killing in the world of ready-to-wear clothing...   [More...]

La Vie d'une autre (2012)
Sylvie Testud

Marie is 40, but when she wakes up one day she is convinced she is 25. She has forgotten fifteen years of her life. All she can think of is the great romance that lies ahead of her, but she soon discovers that this romance has long fizzled out...   [More...]

Voie rapide (2012)
Christophe Sahr

Alex is 25, lives with his girlfriend Rachel on a housing estate and has a two-year-old daughter. The couple both work in a nearby supermarket, but even with their combined income it is a struggle to make ends meet, particularly as Alex fritters away most of his money on his hobby, souping up his Honda Civic...   [More...]

Vous n'avez encore rien vu (2012)
Alain Resnais

After his death, the famous playwright Antoine d'Anthac summons thirteen actors he once worked with to his large house for a special mission...   [More...]

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