Film Index

French cinema: 2000s

Le Chignon d'Olga (2002)
Jérôme Bonnell

Julien and Emma are a teenage brother and sister who live in Beauce, a picturesque semi-rural region of Northern France. They are still living in the house in which they were born, along with their father Gilles, who gets by as a writer...   [More...]

Chok-Dee (2005)
Xavier Durringer

Ryan is a juvenile delinquent who lives in the rough suburbs of Paris. He survives in a tough world by pushing drugs and committing minor criminal offences...   [More...]

Les Choristes (2004)
Christophe Barratier

The world famous orchestra conductor Pierre Morhange is performing at a concert in the United States when he learns of the death of his mother...   [More...]

Choses secrètes (2002)
Jean-Claude Brisseau

Sandrine and Nathalie decide to embark on a campaign of revenge against the male sex after losing their jobs in a pornographic nightclub...   [More...]

Chouchou (2003)
Merzak Allouache

Chouchou is a young North African who arrives illegally in Paris with the intention of looking for his nephew. The kindly parish priest Father Léon helps him to find a place to live and a job as a housecleaner for Dr Nicole Milovavovich, a psychiatrist...   [More...]

Chrysalis (2007)
Julien Leclercq

Paris, 2020. David Hoffman is a police lieutenant who has yet to get over the death of his wife, the victim of an elusive killer named Nicolov...   [More...]

Clara et moi (2004)
Arnaud Viard

Antoine is 33, a struggling actor living in Paris. Outwardly, he appears happy and satisfied with his life; inwardly, he is tortured by solitude...   [More...]

Clean (2004)
Olivier Assayas

Emily Wang and Lee Hauser have been in a relationship for many years. He is a 40-something rock singer who is past his prime; she is his promoter, and is finding it increasingly difficult to find him work...   [More...]

Les Clefs de bagnole (2003)
Laurent Baffie

Lawrence Baffie has what he believes to be a stunning premise for a film - a comedy that will have audiences rolling in the aisles and critics falling over themselves in their efforts to come up with the juiciest superlatives with which to shower it in the popular press...   [More...]

Cliente (2008)
Josiane Balasko

50-something Judith is the host of a popular television shopping programme. After her divorce, she lives with her sister and closest confidante, Irène...   [More...]

Le Coach (2009)
Olivier Doran

Maximilien Chêne is a personal coach who is a master of his craft, but whilst his talents are in great demand he has many personal failings of his own...   [More...]

Coco avant Chanel (2009)
Anne Fontaine

In the 1890s, Gabrielle and her sister, two little orphan girls, find themselves in an austere convent school where they wait in vain for their father to collect them...   [More...]

Coco Chanel et Igor Stravinsky (2009)
Jan Kounen

In Paris, 1913, Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel is beginning to make a name for herself as a couturiere. Meanwhile, at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysees, Igor Stravinsky is staging his avant-garde ballet The Rite of Spring...   [More...]

Le Code a changé (2009)
Danièle Thompson

Marie-Laurence and Piotr are a couple who could not be happier. She is a successful young lawyer; he is still trying to find a job...   [More...]

Code inconnu (2000)
Michael Haneke

Anne is a young actress living in Paris with her boyfriend, Georges, a photo-journalist who spends most of his time abroad recording the horrors of war...   [More...]

Coeur animal (2009)
Séverine Cornamusaz

In a remote region of rural Switzerland, a farmer and his wife eke out a harsh existence, appearing to live in a century far removed from our own...   [More...]

Le Coeur des hommes 2 (2007)
Marc Esposito

Jeff invites his three friends Alex, Antoine and Manu to spend a holiday with him at his villa in the south of France. Jeff wants to sell the villa and settle in Paris, but his friends persuade him to keep it as a holiday retreat for the four of them...   [More...]

Le Coeur des hommes (2003)
Marc Esposito

Alex, Manu, Jeff and Antoine have been the best of friends since they played in the same football team, twenty years ago...   [More...]

Coeurs (2006)
Alain Resnais

Estate agent Thierry is having a hard time trying to find an apartment for a problem couple, Dan and Nicole. Each evening, Dan, an unemployed ex-army man, spills his bucket load of sorrows into the ears of friendly barman Lionel, whose sole domestic preoccupation is looking after his cantankerous old father...   [More...]

Coluche, l'histoire d'un mec (2008)
Antoine de Caunes

In 1980, Coluche is one of the most popular comic performers in France. He attracts the size of audience other comedians can only dream of, be it on stage, on television or on the radio...   [More...]

Combien tu m'aimes? (2005)
Bertrand Blier

The star attraction at Charly's popular nightclub in Pigalle is Daniela, an Italian prostitute that no man can resist, apparently...   [More...]

Comédie de l'innocence (2001)
Raoul Ruiz

On his ninth birthday, Camille casually tells his mother, Arianne, that she is not his real mother and that he desperately wants to go home, to his real home...   [More...]

Comme les autres (2008)
Vincent Garenq

Emmanuel has everything a man could want. A good job, a nice apartment and a steady relationship with the man of his dreams, Philippe...   [More...]

Comme un avion (2002)
Marie-France Pisier

Lola Forestier is a 23-year-old law student who lives in Paris. Home for her is a studio flat which is situated just beneath the small apartment where her mother Claire lives with her 15-year-old brother...   [More...]

Comme une image (2004)
Agnès Jaoui

Lolita is the twenty-year-old daughter of busy publisher Etienne Cassard, a man who is so wrapped up in himself that he fails to notice anything outside his own personal ambit...   [More...]

Comment j'ai tué mon père (2001)
Anne Fontaine

Jean-Luc has made a successful career in private medicine, specialising in anti-ageing treatments. He appears to have it all: his own gerontology clinic at Versailles, which brings him wealth and esteem, and a beautiful young wife Isa...   [More...]

Commis d'office (2009)
Hannelore Cayre

Antoine Lahoud has just turned forty when he realises he has lost his enthusiasm for his work as a criminal lawyer. It galls him that he receives so little remuneration and even less gratitude for the work he does for the betterment of society...   [More...]

Le Concert (2009)
Radu Mihaileanu

Way back in the 1970s, Andrei Filipov was one of the most famous conductors in the Soviet Union. He worked with the world-renowned Bolshoi Orchestra and led a privileged and comfortable life...   [More...]

Le Concile de pierre (2006)
Guillaume Nicloux

Laura Siprien is a French interpreter who can have no idea what she is taking on when she decides to adopt a baby boy of Mongolian origin, Liu-San...   [More...]

La Confiance règne (2004)
Étienne Chatiliez

Christophe Gérard and Chrystèle Burrel are two of a kind. Uneducated and lacking even the smallest particle of moral awareness, each has made a habit of fleecing the trusting fools who employ them as domestic servants...   [More...]

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