Film Index

French cinema: 1997

Post coïtum animal triste (1997)
Brigitte Roüan

Diane Clovier is a woman in her forties who has made a success of both her professional life and her domestic life. She is married to Philippe, a busy lawyer, has two teenage children and works for a thriving publishing company...   [More...]

Les Randonneurs (1997)
Philippe Harel

Five 30-something friends decide to take a break from their busy Parisian lives and head off on an arduous walking tour in the beautiful mountains of Corsica...   [More...]

Regarde la mer (1997)
François Ozon

One summer, Sasha, a young English woman, settles into a remote holiday cottage near the coast. With her husband away on business, her only companion is her baby daughter...   [More...]

Rien ne va plus (1997)
Claude Chabrol

Victor and Betty are an odd couple. He is sixty; she is thirty. They could scarcely be more different, and yet they seem to be inseparable, a sort of cross-generational Bonnie and Clyde...   [More...]

Le Septième ciel (1997)
Benoît Jacquot

On the surface, Mathilde is a happily married young woman, working in her mother's law office whilst her husband pursues a successful career as a surgeon...   [More...]

Sous les pieds des femmes (1997)
Rachida Krim

Aya and Moncef are an Algerian couple who have made France their home. In 1996, Aya is reunited with her former lover, whom she has not seen for 35 years...   [More...]

Tenue correcte exigée (1997)
Philippe Lioret

Richard Poulenc faces a nine month prison sentence for social security fraud unless he can obtain a signature from his former wife, Catherine, testifying that they have been separated for ten years...   [More...]

Tout doit disparaître (1997)
Philippe Muyl

Robert Millard is a businessman who sells gadgets that are designed to make the world a quieter place. Unfortunately, his private life is anything but quiet...   [More...]

Un amour de sorcière (1997)
René Manzor

It seems that witches are a dying breed on planet Earth. There are just six left, and only one of these - Molok - is committed to the cause of evil...   [More...]

Un frère (1997)
Sylvie Verheyde

Despite his modest background, Loïc is determined to make a living as a photographer, with a little help from his friend Vincent, who comes from a respectable bourgeois milieu...   [More...]

La Vérité si je mens (1997)
Thomas Gilou

Jobless and penniless, Eddie Vuibert has the good fortune to run into Victor Benzakhem, a Jewish businessman who manages a successful textile business in an immigrant quarter of Paris...   [More...]

La Vie de Jésus (1997)
Bruno Dumont

For Freddy, an unemployed young man suffering from autism, life is one long round of unending monotony. Living in Bailleul, a small backwater town in Northern France, there is nothing for him to do other than to listlessly roam the district on his motorbike with his gang of friends...   [More...]

Western (1997)
Manuel Poirier

When a Spanish sales rep Paco Cazale gives a lift to a Russian hitch-hiker, Nino, his life takes an unexpected turn. First he is stranded when Nino drives off with his car...   [More...]

XXL (1997)
Ariel Zeitoun

Alain Berrebi runs a fashion store in Paris' Jewish district. He has big ideas for his business, but these are constantly thwarted by a neighbouring Chinese shop...   [More...]

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