Film Index

French cinema: 1980s

Mauvais sang (1986)
Leos Carax

Paris, 1986. As Halley's Comet makes its closest approach to Earth, the capital is experiencing an unprecedented heat wave...   [More...]

Max mon amour (1986)
Nagisa Ôshima

Suspecting that his wife, Margaret, is having a secret love affair, Peter Jones, a British ambassador in Paris, engages a private detective to investigate...   [More...]

Mélo (1986)
Alain Resnais

Two old friends, Marcel and Pierre, get together one evening for a meal and to reminisce on old times. Marcel is now a world famous virtuoso violinist whilst Pierre has settled down for a quiet life with his wife, Romaine...   [More...]

Merry-Go-Round (1981)
Jacques Rivette

Ben, a young American, and Léo, a young French woman, meet at an airport in Paris. They had been hoping to meet up with Léo's sister Elisabeth, who is also Ben's girlfriend, but she is mysteriously absent...   [More...]

Mes meilleurs copains (1989)
Jean-Marie Poiré

At his house in the country, Richard invites four old friends of his - Jean-Michel, Guido, Antoine and Dany - to share a weekend with him and reminisce on their wild youth in the 1960s...   [More...]

Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours (1989)
Andrzej Zulawski

Lucas is a software developer who is suffering from a rare brain condition that has already begun to affect his memory. As his health begins to deteriorate he starts to feel prematurely aged and becomes increasingly preoccupied with his mortality...   [More...]

Mille milliards de dollars (1982)
Henri Verneuil

Paul Kerjean is a journalist on a leading French news weekly, La Tribune. One day, he receives an anonymous phone call revealing that the respected industrialist Jacques Benoît-Lambert is facing financial ruin...   [More...]

Le Miraculé (1987)
Jean-Pierre Mocky

Papu, an unscrupulous peddler, is selling balloons one evening when he is run over by a car. Pretending he has lost the use of his legs, he hopes to profit from an insurance claim, but he has no desire to remain a pretend invalid for the rest of his life...   [More...]

Les Misérables (1982)
Robert Hossein

Sent to jail for stealing a loaf of bread, Jean Valjean has every reason for hating humanity and embarking on a life of crime when he is released twenty years later...   [More...]

Les Mois d'avril sont meurtriers (1987)
Laurent Heynemann

When an informer is executed, his dismembered remains found in several bin bags, Fred, a resilient police inspector, leads the murder investigation with his customary dogged determination...   [More...]

Mon beau-frère a tué ma soeur (1986)
Jacques Rouffio

The esteemed anthropologist Octave Clapoteau is the happiest of men on the day when he is admitted to the Académie Française with the support of his friend Etienne Sembadel, a well-known psychiatrist...   [More...]

Mon curé chez les nudistes (1982)
Robert Thomas

Whilst his methods are far from orthodox, a village priest is having some success in gathering a congregation for Mass. The collection has never been so bountiful since he introduced advertising as part of the service...   [More...]

Mon oncle d'Amérique (1980)
Alain Resnais

Henri Laborit is a world-renowned biologist who conjectures that human beings exhibit virtually identical patterns of behaviour to other animals in stress situations...   [More...]

Monsieur Hire (1989)
Patrice Leconte

Monsieur Hire is a respectable middle-aged man who lives alone in the suburbs where he runs his own business as a tailor...   [More...]

Les Morfalous (1984)
Henri Verneuil

In 1943, a detachment of the French Foreign Legion is tasked with an usual but extremely hazardous mission during the Second World War - to salvage a fortune in gold bullion from the vault of a bank in a North African town...   [More...]

La Mort en direct (1980)
Bertrand Tavernier

Mindful of the need to drive up his network's viewing figures, television producer Vincent Ferriman has devised a new reality TV show named Death Watch in which he will beam into people's homes the last days of a terminally ill person...   [More...]

Mort un dimanche de pluie (1986)
Joël Santoni

Elaine Briand lives with her husband David in a futuristic house in the country which he, a distinguished architect, designed...   [More...]

Mortelle randonnée (1983)
Claude Miller

Haunted by a past that he does his best to bury, fifty-something Louis Beauvoir leads a solitary life in which there is no place for sentiment or intimate human contact...   [More...]

Ne réveillez pas un flic qui dort (1988)
José Pinheiro

A disillusioned police inspector, Roger Scatti, leads an extreme right-wing cell “Fidélité Police”, which applies its own notion of justice to underworld crooks - usually in the form of summary execution...   [More...]

Noce blanche (1989)
Jean-Claude Brisseau

François Hainaut, a fifty year old philosophy teacher, is content with his work and his marriage. But then Mathilde Tessier, a 17 year old student, crashes into his life...   [More...]

Nocturne indien (1989)
Alain Corneau

Arriving in Bombay with a small suitcase, a young Frenchman named Rossignol immediately sets about looking for a friend of his, Xavier, who went missing about a year ago...   [More...]

Noir et blanc (1986)
Claire Devers

Antoine is a boring young accountant who leads a boring humdrum existence. For his latest assignment, he is sent to a sports centre to sort out the company's accounts...   [More...]

Notre histoire (1984)
Bertrand Blier

Robert Avranche is sitting by himself on a train, contemplating the utter pointlessness of his existence, when an attractive young woman enters his compartment and tries to engage him in conversation...   [More...]

La Nuit de Varennes (1982)
Ettore Scola

June 1791. When the controversial writer and printer Restif de la Bretonne sees Queen Marie-Antoinette's lady-in-waiting secretly leaving Paris one evening, he concludes that King Louis XVI and his family have already fled the capital...   [More...]

Les Nuits de la pleine lune (1984)
Eric Rohmer

Louise is a young designer who lives in the suburbs of Paris with her boyfriend Rémi. Whilst the two are deeply in love, they are temperamentally very different, and this is beginning to put a strain on their relationship...   [More...]

L'Oeuvre au noir (1988)
André Delvaux

In Europe during the 16th century, Zénon Ligre is a prominent surgeon and alchemist who devotes his life to the study of the human body and the relief of mortal suffering...   [More...]

On l'appelle catastrophe (1983)
Richard Balducci

Antoine Malibran, a humble cinema projectionist, is patiently waiting for his girlfriend Carole outside the bank where she works when he is unwittingly caught up in a bank robbery...   [More...]

L'Otage de l'Europe (1989)
Jerzy Kawalerowicz

After his humiliating defeat at Waterloo in 1815, the Emperor Napoléon has no choice but to give himself up and surrender himself to the mercy of the British...   [More...]

P.R.O.F.S. (1985)
Patrick Schulmann

Frédéric is a reactionary literature teacher who intends to apply some unorthodox methods when he takes up a post in a typical French high school...   [More...]

Le Paltoquet (1986)
Michel Deville

Each evening, four men - a doctor, a journalist, a professor and a merchant - meet up in a deserted bar to play cards. As they play, the bar's owner, her downtrodden barman (nicknamed “le paltoquet”) and a strange woman in white watch from a distance...   [More...]

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