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German cinema: Horror

Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari (1920)
Robert Wiene

Seated on a park bench, a young man, Francis, tells an older man the tragic story of his fiancée. It began some years ago, when he and his friend, Alan, were in love with the same young woman, Jane.....   [More...]

Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970)
Werner Herzog

In the midst of a dead, barren landscape there sits a secluded institution, which might be a prison or a lunatic asylum. All of the people in the institution - the director, the guards, the inmates - are dwarfs...   [More...]

Genuine: A Tale of a Vampire (1920)
Robert Wiene

A young artist named Percy has completed a painting of Genuine, a high priestess with an irresistible allure. Since, he has become withdrawn, preferring the company of his creation to that of his friends...   [More...]

Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (1920)
Carl Boese

16th century Prague. Whilst studying the stars through his telescope, the aged Rabbi Loew foresees a troubled time ahead for his people...   [More...]

Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
F.W. Murnau

Real estate agent Herr Hutter lives with his young wife Ellen in the German town of Wisborg. At the request of his employer, the mysterious Herr Knock, Hutter travels to the Carpathian Mountains to conclude the purchase of a property with a certain Count Orlok...   [More...]

Orlacs Hände (1924)
Robert Wiene

The world famous pianist Paul Orlac survives a horrific railway accident but his hands are damaged beyond repair. Goaded by his wife Yvonne, a surgeon performs a remarkable transplant operation, giving Orlac a pair of hands taken from a corpse...   [More...]

Der Student von Prag (1913)
Stellan Rye

Prague, 1820. Balduin enjoys the reputation of the wildest student and best swordsman in the city but his poverty makes him a miserable soul...   [More...]

Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse (1933)
Fritz Lang

Disgraced cop Hofmeister tries to redeem himself by uncovering a counterfeiting operation. Before he can pass his findings on to Inspector Lohmann, he is cornered by his enemies and driven mad...   [More...]

Vampyr (1932)
Carl Theodor Dreyer

A student of the Occult, Allan Gray, is travelling in France when he arrives at the remote village of Courtempierre. Whilst staying at an inn, he is visited by an old man who gives him a parcel, not to be opened until after his death...   [More...]

Waxworks (1924)
Paul Leni

A young writer is hired by the owner of a waxworks museum to write a short story for each of the exhibits in his collection...   [More...]

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