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French cinema: Drama

Le Complot (1973)
René Gainville

In March 1962, the French government has signed a treaty with Algeria that will allow the latter country to gain its independence...   [More...]

Comptes à rebours (1971)
Roger Pigaut

Revenge is the only thing on François Nolan's mind when he returns to Paris, having spent the past ten years in prison for his part in a bank robbery that went disastrously wrong...   [More...]

Le Comte de Monte Cristo (1943)
Robert Vernay

On the day of his engagement to his beloved Mecédès the mariner Edmond Dantès is arrested for treason and sent to the Château d'If, an island prison...   [More...]

Les Condamnés (1948)
Georges Lacombe

Dr Jean Severac and his wife Hélène are celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary. Outwardly, they appear to be a perfectly happy married couple, but in reality Hélène has a lover, the younger Dr Bernard Aubertin...   [More...]

Conflit (1938)
Léonide Moguy

Catherine Lafont, the wife of an eminent explorer, is arrested for the attempted murder of her sister Claire. The investigating magistrate is unable to shed any light on the mystery until Claire recovers from her injuries...   [More...]

Copie conforme (2010)
Abbas Kiarostami

A middle-aged French woman travels to Italy to attend a conference at which an English writer, James, is to promote his new book...   [More...]

Le Corbeau (1943)
Henri-Georges Clouzot

The peace of the small French town of Saint-Robin is disturbed by a sudden outbreak of poison pen letters, which cast vile aspersions on prominent members of the community...   [More...]

Coup d'éclat (2011)
José Alcala

In the French town of Sète, police chief Fabienne Bourrier spends much of her time pursuing illegal immigrants from all backgrounds...   [More...]

Coup de chaud (2015)
Raphaël Jacoulot

At the height of a scorching hot summer, the calm of a small French village is disturbed by Josef Bousou, a mischievous thirty-year old who has the mental age of a small child...   [More...]

Coup de foudre (1983)
Diane Kurys

In 1942, Léna, a young Russian Jew, is interned in a camp in southern France. Her only hope of avoiding deportation to Nazi Germany is to go through with a marriage of convenience with a French solider, Michel...   [More...]

Coup pour coup (1972)
Marin Karmitz

When two of their colleagues are dismissed for unruly behaviour, the mostly female staff of a French textiles factory decide to go on strike to demand better pay and the reinstatement of their sacked co-workers...   [More...]

Le Coupable (1917)
André Antoine

France, 1914. Chrétien Forgeat, a man in his twenties, is on trial for murder. His defence lawyer, Chrétien Lescuyer, begins by confessing to the court that he is the accused man's father and pleads extenuating circumstances...   [More...]

Les Cousins (1959)
Claude Chabrol

Against the wishes of his adoring mother, Charles leaves his home in the provinces so that he can study law in Paris. Accommodation is provided by his cousin Paul Thomas, who presently occupies a spacious luxury apartment in Neuilly-sur-Seine belonging to a wealthy relative...   [More...]

Le Crabe-Tambour (1977)
Pierre Schoendoerffer

The Jaureguiberry, a mighty escort ship, leaves the port of Lorient in the northwest of France and sets out on its long journey across the stormy Atlantic...   [More...]

Les Créatures (1966)
Agnès Varda

Still suffering from the trauma of a road accident, a writer named Edgar finds himself afflicted with a mild case of writer's block...   [More...]

Crime et châtiment (1935)
Pierre Chenal

An impulsive young Russian student, Rodion Raskolnikov, believes that the intellectual class is morally superior to ordinary working class people and is therefore above the laws that society creates for itself...   [More...]

Crime et châtiment (1956)
Georges Lampin

Paris in the 1950s. Since he had to abandon his studies because of lack of funds René Brunel has become bitter and cynical over how society appears to be organised for the benefit of a wealthy minority...   [More...]

Crin blanc: Le cheval sauvage (1953)
Albert Lamorisse

Across the vast expanse of wetland in the Camargue region of south-eastern France, a herd of wild horses roam, led by their indomitable leader White Mane...   [More...]

Les Croix de bois (1932)
Raymond Bernard

At the outbreak of World War I, Gilbert Demachy, an idealistic young student, enlists and is sent to the Western Front to fight for his motherland, France...   [More...]

La Croix des vivants (1962)
Ivan Govar

Some time after he was falsely accused of the murder of his stepfather, Yan returns to his home village in Flanders. Franz, the local garage owner is not happy with his return...   [More...]

Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)
Jean-Paul Rappeneau

The popular swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is consumed by his ardent love for his cousin Roxanne but, tragically, his features are so deformed by his large nose that he has little chance of gaining her affections...   [More...]

D'homme à hommes (1948)

In 1858, the Swiss-born Henri Dunant is having difficulties managing a colony in Algeria. He decides to visit the Emperor Napoléon III, who is currently in the middle of a campaign in Italy, to ask for support to build a system of irrigation...   [More...]

Daddy Nostalgie (1990)
Bertrand Tavernier

Caroline is a writer who, after her divorce, lives alone in Paris with her infant son. On hearing the news that her father has just undergone a serious operation, she immediately sets out to rejoin her parents at their home in the south of France...   [More...]

La Dame de Malacca (1937)
Marc Allégret

Audrey Greenwood is glad to leave behind her a dull and uneventful career as a teacher at a provincial school as she embarks on a new life as the wife of Major Carter, a British Army officer...   [More...]

La Dame de trèfle (2010)
Jérôme Bonnell

Since their parents died, Aurélien and Argine have lived together in their home in a small provincial town, and have become as close to one another as any brother and sister can be...   [More...]

Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945)
Robert Bresson

Having tricked her lover Jean into admitting that he no longer loves her, society lady Helène is inwardly consumed by anger and plots a cruel vengeance...   [More...]

Dans la maison (2012)
François Ozon

Germain Germain is a fifty-something literature teacher in a modern French school who has grown disillusioned with his profession...   [More...]

Dans la nuit (1929)
Charles Vanel

A quarry worker takes a wife, but not long after the wedding he is caught in a rock blast that leaves him horribly disfigured...   [More...]

Dans les rues (1933)
Victor Trivas

Jacques is the wayward son of a poor war widow. Unable to find work, he falls in with a gang of delinquents who terrorise householders and shopkeepers in their neighbourhood...   [More...]

Dans tes bras (2009)
Hubert Gillet

Louis was abandoned by his mother when he was just a few weeks old. Now aged 16, he wants to know more about his origins, so, against the wishes of his adopted parents, he heads south in search of some answers...   [More...]

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