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French cinema: Drama

La Fille de l'air (1992)
Maroun Bagdadi

Brigitte lives with her boyfriend, Daniel, who is on the run having escaped from prison for a series of armed robbery offences...   [More...]

La Fille de l'eau (1925)
Jean Renoir

After the death of her father, a barge man, Virginie has no one but her cruel uncle Jef. But he merely squanders his inheritance and sells the barge, before attempting to rape his niece...   [More...]

La Fille du puisatier (1940)
Marcel Pagnol

France, 1939. Pascal Amoretti and his assistant Felipe earn an honest living by digging wells in their picturesque region of Provence...   [More...]

La Fille du puisatier (2011)
Daniel Auteuil

Whilst taking a lunch basket to her father, a well-digger, Patricia comes across Jacques Mazel, a handsome young man. She is an innocent girl of 18; he is a fighter pilot who is eight years her senior...   [More...]

La Fille inconnue (2016)
Jean-Pierre Dardenne

Jenny Davin is a young doctor who runs a small medical practice in an ordinary town in Liège. One evening, just as she is winding down after a hard day's work, a young woman calls at her surgery but Jenny, too tired to see another patient, refuses to admit her...   [More...]

La Fille prodigue (1981)
Jacques Doillon

Anne is a young woman who, in a fit of depression, leaves her husband Jean-Marie and chooses to live alone in a shoebox Parisian apartment...   [More...]

Le Fils de Jean (2016)
Philippe Lioret

Mathieu, a 33-year-old divorcé with a young son, is taken by surprise one day when he receives a telephone call from a stranger notifying him of the death of his father Jean...   [More...]

Le Fils préféré (1994)
Nicole Garcia

Jean-Paul Mantegna is the 40-something owner of a hotel on the French Riviera. Saddled with debts, he desperately needs to raise a large sum of money to keep his business afloat, so he turns to the only members of his family who can help him - his brothers Francis and Philippe...   [More...]

Le Fils (2002)
Jean-Pierre Dardenne

Olivier is a carpentry instructor at a vocational training centre that assists in the rehabilitation of convicted criminals...   [More...]

Fin août, début septembre (1998)
Olivier Assayas

Gabriel, in his early thirties, finds his life upended after separating from his partner Jenny and then discovering that his best friend Adrien, a writer, has a terminal illness...   [More...]

Finis terrae (1929)
Jean Epstein

The Ushant archipelago is a group of small islands situated off the coast of Brittany at the northwest extremity of France...   [More...]

Flandres (2006)
Bruno Dumont

Somewhere in the depths of rural Flanders, a young farmer named Demester is pursuing a torrid love affair with an attractive woman of his own age, Barbe...   [More...]

Flic Story (1975)
Jacques Deray

Paris, 1947. Roger Borniche sees himself as the star cop of the Sûreté nationale, but he despises the brutal methods used by his colleagues...   [More...]

La Foire aux chimères (1946)
Pierre Chenal

Frank Davis is the unimpeachable director of a company that prints what he claims to be unforgeable banknotes. In his fifties, he is an object of ridicule on account of the facial disfigurement he acquired in an accident...   [More...]

Force majeure (1989)
Pierre Jolivet

Philippe is a promising student about to sit his exams and who is looking forward to a successful research career. Daniel is another young man who has a girl friend, a baby, and who enjoys his hedonistic freedom...   [More...]

Les Fragments d'Antonin (2006)
Gabriel Le Bomin

France, 1919. At a makeshift hospital in the country, Professor Labrousse is leading a study into the mental trauma experienced by former combatants of the war that has just ravaged most of Europe...   [More...]

Frantic (1988)
Roman Polanski

Dr Richard Walker and his wife Sondra, an American couple, arrive in Paris ahead of a medical conference at which Dr Walker is to give a paper...   [More...]

Frantz (2016)
François Ozon

It is 1919 and the human cost of the First World War is still being counted across Europe. In a small German town, a young woman named Anna attends the grave of her fiancée Franz, one of the hundreds of thousands of casualties of the Somme...   [More...]

Fred (1997)
Pierre Jolivet

Fred is an unemployed crane operator who lives in the industrial suburbs with his girlfriend Lisa. The latter has a young son, the product of another relationship, and works in research laboratory...   [More...]

French Cancan (1954)
Jean Renoir

Nini, a pretty laundry worker, is recruited by Monsieur Danglard, along with a number of other attractive young women, to join his theatre company...   [More...]

La Galerie des monstres (1924)
Jaque Catelain

Castile, Spain. Idealistic youngsters, Riquett's and Ralda are deeply in love but their union is opposed by the latter's over-proud aristrocratic grandfather, who has higher hopes for his orphaned ward than marriage to a mere itinerant gypsy boy...   [More...]

Le Gamin au vélo (2011)
Jean-Pierre Dardenne

11-year-old Cyril does not understand why his father placed him in a children's home, so to find the answers he returns to his former apartment...   [More...]

Le Garçon sauvage (1951)
Jean Delannoy

Marie earns a comfortable living working as a prostitute in the French port of Marseilles. Now that she has some stability in her life, she decides to take charge of her twelve-year old son Simon, whom she has placed in the care of kindly shepherd...   [More...]

Garçon stupide (2004)
Lionel Baier

Despite his lack of education, 20-year-old Loïc is convinced that one day he will make something of his life. In the meantime, he earns a subsistence wage in a chocolate factory and spends his evenings meeting up with older men for no-strings sex...   [More...]

Garde à vue (1981)
Claude Miller

In a small French town, two young girls are found raped and murdered. The obvious suspect is a prominent lawyer, Jérôme Martinaud, who is known to have been in the vicinity of both killings when they took place...   [More...]

Gardiens de phare (1929)
Jean Grémillon

Off the coast of Finistère, an old lighthouse keeper Brehan and his son Yvon commence their month-long stint in a lighthouse...   [More...]

Germinal (1913)
Albert Capellani

In 1860s France, an unemployed railway worker, Étienne Lantier, arrives in the bleak mining town of Montsou in the north of France and finds work as a miner...   [More...]

Germinal (1993)
Claude Berri

During the 1870s, an unemployed machine-worker named Étienne Lantier arrives at Montsou, a small mining town in the north of France, looking for work...   [More...]

Gervaise (1956)
René Clément

In the 1850s, at the start of France's Second Empire, life is a constant struggle for most of the ordinary people of Paris...   [More...]

Gibier de potence (1951)
Roger Richebé

On leaving the orphanage in which he grew up, Marceau Le Guern has difficulty finding gainful employment. Not long after he is dismissed as a butcher's assistant he encounters the mysterious Madame Alice, an older woman who, seeing he is in difficulty, offers him easy work for good pay...   [More...]

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