Delphine Seyrig


Biography: life and films

Delphine Seyrig was a French actress. She was born in Beirut, Lebanon on 10th April 1932 and died in Paris, France on 15th October 1990, aged 58.

Her best films as an actor include Alain Resnais's L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961), Muriel (1963), Luis Buñuel's Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972), Guy Gilles's Le Jardin qui bascule (1974) and Ulrike Ottinger's comedy Freak Orlando (1981), and whose best work as a film director include Sois belle et tais-toi (1981).

Delphine Seyrig appeared in 46 films and directed 2 films.

She has most frequently worked with the following directors: Marguerite Duras (4 films), Chantal Akerman (4), Ulrike Ottinger (3), Luis Buñuel (2), Liliane de Kermadec (2), Joseph Losey (2) and Alain Resnais (2).

Her most frequent genres include: drama (27 films), comedy-drama (7), Fantasy (5), comedy (4), Thriller (3), romance (2), crime-thriller (2) and Documentary (2).

Our average rating for Delphine Seyrig over all films is: 2.8


Key: a = actor; d = director

L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961) [a]

Muriel (1963) [a]

Accident (1967) [a]

La Musica (1967) [a]

Baisers volés (1968) [a]

L'Écume des jours (1968) [a]

La Voie lactée (1969) [a]

Mr. Freedom (1969) [a]

Peau d'âne (1970) [a]

Les Lèvres rouges (1971) [a]

Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972) [a]

Le Journal d'un suicidé (1972) [a]

A Doll's House (1973) [a]

The Day of the Jackal (1973) [a]

Dites-le avec des fleurs (1974) [a]

Le Cri du coeur (1974) [a]

Le Jardin qui bascule (1974) [a]

The Black Windmill (1974) [a]

Aloïse (1975) [a]

Der Letzte Schrei (1975) [a]

India Song (1975) [a]

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) [a]

Le Boucher, la star et l'orpheline (1975) [a]

Caro Michele (1976) [a]

Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert (1976) [a]

Baxter, Vera Baxter (1977) [a]

Je t'aime, tu danses (1977) [a]

Repérages (1977) [a]

Chère inconnue (1980) [a]

Le Chemin perdu (1980) [a]

Documenteur (1981) [a]

Freak Orlando (1981) [a]

Sois belle et tais-toi (1981) [d]

Le Grain de sable (1983) [a]

Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse (1984) [a]

La Couleur des mots (1984) [a]

Golden Eighties (1986) [a]

Letters Home (1986) [a]

Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) [a]

Johanna D'Arc of Mongolia (1989) [a]

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